logo3The Brownwood Area Chamber of Commerce is getting set to begin their third annual Total Resource Campaign. Throughout the United States, Total Resource Campaigns (TRC’s) are gaining support and popularity among progressive chambers of commerce and have been embraced by Chamber Members, board leadership and staff because of the beneficial nature of the campaign.

The TRC is designed to give Chamber members numerous opportunities to become more involved with the Chamber on various levels through greater public awareness of Chamber programs, projects and events. In addition, the TRC makes it easier for businesses to budget for the coming year and helps improve the efficiency of Chamber-sponsored events.

The Total Resource Campaign reviews and evaluates current Chamber programs and develops a menu of sponsorship opportunities tailored to fit any budget, big or small. Over a seven-week period, beginning February 12th, more than 30 local volunteers (working in teams) will work with Chamber members to design an ideal sponsorship plan for the entire year. The TRC is designed to be fun and exciting for team members with rewards available throughout the campaign and grand prizes for winning teams. This year, the volunteers will be divided into two team led by top producing volunteers from past campaigns Priscilla Monson and Robert Porter. The theme for this year’s campaign is “Lights, Camera, Take Action.”


Chamber Members who are interested in volunteering for the campaign are asked to contact Missi Malone, Director of Member Services by calling 325-646-9535 or email membership@brownwoodchamber.org.

TRC Volunteer Login